Ethical code

"Public ethics. Studies on legality and participation" is a peer-reviewed scientific journal inspired by the code of ethics for publications developed by COPE: Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. All parties involved [editor, director, co-directors, editorial board and referees] know and share the contents of the code explained below which is published on the journal website.

Duties of the Publisher.

The Publisher has a written contract that defines its relationship with the owner of the magazine and/or with the Editors.

The terms of the contract are in line with the Code of Conduct for Publishers of Scientific Journals developed by COPE.

The relationship between Management and Publisher is based on the principle of editorial independence.


Publishing decisions

All articles proposed for publication in "Public Ethics" undergo single bind evaluation. The Director, having consulted the co-directors and the editorial committee, is responsible for deciding on the publication of the articles approved by the editorial staff.

The Director, the co-directors and the editorial committee evaluate the articles proposed for publication based on their content without discrimination of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship, political orientation of the authors.

The Director, the co-directors and the editorial board undertake not to disclose information about the proposed articles to anyone other than the author, the referees and the editor.

Conflict of interest and disclosure The Director, the co-directors and the editorial committee and all the people who for various reasons know the content of the proposed articles undertake not to use it in their own research without the written consent of the author.

Contribution to the editorial decision
The single blind peer-review is the procedure that helps the Director, the co-directors and the editorial board in making decisions on the proposed articles. It also puts the author in the ideal condition to improve his work.

Respect for times
The referee who does not feel adequate for the proposed task or who knows that he cannot carry out the reading in the required time is required to promptly notify the coordinators.

Each text assigned for reading is confidential and must not be discussed with other people outside the editorial staff and the appointed referees.

Peer review must be conducted impartially. Any personal judgment on the author is inappropriate. Referees are required to adequately justify their judgements.

The referees undertake to indicate any fundamental works neglected by the author. The referees must justify the judgments whether they are positive or negative. The referees must also notify the editors of any similarities or overlaps of the text received for reading with other works known to them.

Conflict of Interest and Disclosure

Confidential information or indications obtained during the peer-review process must be considered confidential and cannot be used for personal purposes. Referees are required not to accept for reading articles for which there is a conflict of interest or articles whose authorship they have guessed.


Data access and retention

If the Editor, the co-editors and the editorial board deem it appropriate, the authors of the articles must make available the sources or data on which the research is based, so that they can be kept for a reasonable period of time after publication and possibly be made accessible.

Originality and plagiarism

The authors are required to declare that they have composed an original work in all its parts and that they have cited all the texts used.

Multiple, repetitive and/or competing postings

The author undertakes not to submit his own text to several journals at the same time and not to submit texts already published elsewhere with content that is identical or broadly coinciding with that submitted to the journal

Indication of sources

The author must always provide the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article.


Authorship of the work

The paternity of the work must be correctly attributed and all those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, organization, realization and reworking of the research that is the basis of the article must be indicated as co-authors. If other people have significantly participated in some phases of the research, their contribution must be explicitly acknowledged. In the case of contributions written by several hands, the author who sends the text to the journal is required to declare that he has correctly indicated the names of all the other co-authors, that he has obtained their approval of the final version of the article and their